Zacks Micro Cap Index

  • 7750.99

    Calculated Index
  • 0.54%

    Daily Percentage Change
  • 41.63

    Daily Net Change

as of 06/27/2024


Index Description

The Zacks Micro Cap Index is designed to identify a group of micro-cap stocks with the greatest potential to outperform passive benchmark micro-cap indexes and other actively managed U.S. micro-cap strategies. Due to their low correlation to large, medium and small-sized companies, micro caps may complement existing blended portfolios by improving risk-adjusted performance. The Index constituent selection methodology utilizes a proprietary methodology that identifies securities that offer the greatest potential to outperform on both an absolute and risk adjusted basis while maintaining industry diversification.

as of 06/27/2024

Top 10 Holdings

Downloadas of 06/27/2024

Company Name
Index Weight
WKME WalkMe Limited 0.42%
TPC Tutor Perini Corporation 0.40%
ASPN Aspen Aerogels Inc 0.40%
CRS Carpenter Technology Corporation 0.40%
USM United States Cellular Corporation 0.40%
CMRE Costamare Inc. 0.38%
GSL Global Ship Lease Inc. 0.37%
FIP FTAI Infrastructure Inc 0.36%
BHE Benchmark Electronics Inc. 0.34%
REVG Rev Group Inc 0.34%
Exposure Breakdowns
as of 06/27/2024
as of 06/27/2024