Zacks Mid-Cap Core Index

  • 2188.63

    Calculated Index
  • 0.28%

    Daily Percentage Change
  • 6.06

    Daily Net Change

as of 06/27/2024


Index Description

 The Zacks Mid Cap Core Index selection methodology is designed to identify companies with potentially superior risk-return profiles as determined by Zacks. The objective of the Index is to select a diversified group of stocks with the potential to outperform on a risk-adjusted basis the S&P Mid Cap 400 Index and other benchmark indices. The Index constituent selection methodology utilizes multi-factor proprietary selection rules to identify those stocks that offer the greatest potential from a risk/return perspective while maintaining industry diversification. The approach is specifically designed to enhance investment applications and investability. Index reconstitution will begin quarterly after the close of the last business day of March, June, September, and December.

as of 06/27/2024

Top 10 Holdings

Downloadas of 06/27/2024

Company Name
Index Weight
GLW Corning Incorporated 2.61%
HIG The Hartford Financial Services Group Inc. 2.38%
WAB Wabtec Corp 2.18%
WTW Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company 2.13%
EQR Equity Residential Properties Trust 2.10%
DOV Dover Corporation 1.98%
VLTO Veralto Corp. 1.84%
DTE DTE Energy Co. 1.82%
ETR Entergy Corporation 1.78%
ZBH Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc 1.72%
Exposure Breakdowns
as of 06/27/2024
as of 06/27/2024