Zacks Gold Miners Index

  • 3255.08

    Calculated Index
  • 1.52%

    Daily Percentage Change
  • 48.59

    Daily Net Change

as of 06/27/2024


Index Description

The Sprott Zacks Gold Miners Index was co-developed by Sprott Asset Management LP and Zacks Index Services. The Index uses a transparent, rules-based methodology that is designed to identify gold stocks with attractive investment merit. The methodology was developed by leveraging Sprott’s experience as a long-time gold sector investor and Zacks research capabilities. The Index is designed to incorporate the factors that have historically been strong predictors of long-term performance of gold stocks. The 4-step process of selecting the stocks, weighting them in the Index and rebalancing quarterly ensures that the Index reflects the most current factor scores.


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as of 06/27/2024

Top 10 Holdings

Downloadas of 06/27/2024

Company Name
Index Weight
KGC Kinross Gold Corp. 16.20%
AEM Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd 14.72%
WPM Wheaton Precious Metals Corporation 14.58%
AU Anglogold Ashanti PLC 5.15%
AGI Alamos Gold Inc. 4.56%
GOLD Barrick Gold Corporation 4.48%
EGO Eldorado Gold Corp 4.34%
GFI Gold Fields Ltd 4.15%
HMY Harmony Gold Mining Co Ltd 3.11%
HL Hecla Mining Company 3.10%
Exposure Breakdowns
as of 12/29/2023
as of 03/28/2024
as of 12/29/2023